Last summer, which in so many ways seems so long ago, I went to Atlanta to be a super fan. And there were readings from upcoming books. I didn't mention at the time, but I am one of those people who doesn't read the excerpt from the next book that they stick at the end of books. Sure, like most rules, I've broken it a couple of times, but generally I don't. Because if it's good, it makes me really mad that I can read the rest. So, during the readings I had moved myself to the edge of the room refreshed my drink and otherwise tried not to hear too much. After all, Into the Storm wasn't out for a few weeks, and as it turns out Atlantis Rising wasn't out until now.
Alesia (who has taken on the alter ego Alyssa Day for this series) had Eric do the reading, since the excerpt was from the point of view of Conlan, our hero, and prince of Atlantis. And it was so good. So even with the vampires and such, it was on my list.
And oh - it was so good. It was Alesia - only paranormal. The heroine of this story, Riley was wonderful. She is one of those shiny, happy people who just say what they are thinking, which offered a really nice counterpoint to the death, dying, potential end of the world stuff. (And not in a goofy, what do you mean it's dangerous kind of way either.) And prince Conlan is tall, dark and handsome.
I've mentioned before that I think the little details are the ones that take it to the next level. Obviously the baseline is good writing, great plotting, and fascinating characters - which this has. But little things from Riley calling in to work to take a few vacation days, to her sister calling the Atlanteans little fishys, to Riley asking what it's like to be a tiger, make it so much fun. The snippet version is that Atlantis exists and the Atlanteans have been hiding from yet trying to protect humanity. Prince Conlan is recently released from seven ears of captivity at the hands of vampire goddess Anubisa. And the trident - required for the ascension to the throne - has been taken. In their search for the trident, Conlan finds Riley, an empath - when Atlanteans thought there were no empaths. Oh - and they seem to have a burning hot connection on a mental, physical and emotional level.
I really do need to remember, that I cannot read Alyssa/Alesia's stuff in public because I have no poker face when I am reading, and when I try to achieve one I feel sure I look even more ridiculous trying to stifle laughter, concern and oh yeah, the hotness.
There will be an anthology - with Maggie Shayne - in May, and the next full one's out in November, and no, I didn't read the excerpt. (Okay I skimmed just to figure out who's story it was but then I stopped.)
Edited with correct next book info.