Monday, April 23, 2007


I was at the LYS, ostensibly to purchase yarn for my Knitters Treat recipient, but on my search my eye caught a tag. I thought it said Lili'uokalani. Now Lili'uokalani has a special place in my heart for being:
The last monarch of Hawai'i.
Someone who's name my history teacher felt in unnecessary to know how to pronounce.
Author of many songs, including the abundantly used "Aloha 'Oe".
So, I am easily swayed by things with her name on it. (Hey, I bought tea with her name on it too. It's really good.)
I doubled back to make sure my eyes hadn't made some sort of alphabet soup out of some other name, but no - it really said that.

Laurel Yarn Tag Again
Originally uploaded by RandomRanter.

So, I had to get it.

It is gorgeous hand dyed mercerized cotton - called Laurel and made by Shaefer Yarns. It's pricey, but it is 400 yards. I cast on for a wrap, but it's coming out a little looser than I like, so I may frog it, and try it on a smaller size. (Yes, I should have made a geeky thing.)

Queen Lili'uo Colorway
Originally uploaded by mememe20016.