My friend and I had a conversation once upon a time about the nature of relationships (just once, we never, ever did that again). She said that one of the challenges is that often the part you most need to discuss with your other friends is when something hurtful happens. But then, after you've vented and processed you go back to the person and talk or address it in some fashion and move through it. But your friends are still stuck on that thing, not because they are bitter, but because they love you and they didn't hear that conversation you all had or see that nice thing that happened, they missed the resolution.
Reality TV is kind of like that. I watch competitive reality and there seem to be a really high amount of team challenges this season. I get it, team challenges bring the drama, both in personality successes and clashes and in results which tend to have grander extremes. (Let's face it sometimes you can't tell who is in the bottom, not because the judges are weird, but because it's all really good.) And the nature of having a show, that is supposed to be entertaining, not just show results (because I could go to the local cook-off or fashion show or what have you if end results were all I wanted), they tend to focus on the drama. They show the times that someone said something snarky or made someone cry, or muttered under their breath about something. They show less of the apologies. And even, sometimes there is no direct apology. Sometimes, things that seem really, very important at eleven at night when you skipped dinner, seems very silly the next morning. So now you just joke and chat with that person that had you clenching your teeth last night. But the viewer at home is still saying, can you believe they did that? That was terrible!
And then you'll read an interview and someone will ask them, wasn't so-and-so horrible, and they'll often say, oh, no, I call them every day, they're great. (Or something.)