Short version of my weekend:
*Went to Ireland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Romania. Yes, the European Union members all had open houses at the embassies this weekend.
*Went to the Ravelry party - got buttons, but sadly no raffle prizes. (That's okay, I soothed myself with yarn.)
*Went to church - we had a great discussion in youth group about racism.
*Went to Maryland Sheep and Wool - bought a little yarn. Sadly, was unable to track down the deep fried Oreo.
The embassy tour was fun. Ireland had food, Bulgaria had food, wine and dancing, and it was neat seeing some of these amazing residences. For the locals, the non-EU embassies will be doing something similar in a two weeks, plus there are additional events in between. Check here.
Ravelry party - I wore my Parthenope Shawl (More on that another day, promise.) Miss Karida herself walked up to me and asked me if I we had met. I flashed the shawl and said yes. She cooed appropriately and showed it to her non-knitter friends so they could the the yarn in action.
I ran into someone who had been near me in line to see the Yarn Harlot in Annapolis. Stared at Casey and Jess (they were busy chatting and while I know you don't host a party like this and not expect people to talk to you, I opted for leaving them with those who had found them already.) I bought Ravelry pins. I found Westerly Whimsies - my former swapper. I did not win the amazing raffle prizes for the party or from Ravelraiser. (I'll survive.)
Youth group was an open topic day, so we ended up talking about racism and it was really interesting. I am constantly amazed by how thoughtful all these kids are.
Then I hightailed it up to West Friendship where I went to Sheep and Wool. I think I did a better job of covering stuff this year. I brought a big purse, a bag for purchases and I had a backup bag. No need to break out the back up bag, everything fit in the tote. So, really, I was very good. (I also - with the exception of some STR, bought only stuff that was mill end or not available online.) So, for all you people who think there isn't yarn left on Sunday - pshaw.
Ran into a Raveler from the party. Met up with some knit group Ravelers - some were better influences than others. (To be fair, I am probably the worst influence.) Saw Casey and Jess walking around (it was post-Rav meeting, so we left them in peace). Met a fellow Raveler who has sadly lost her voice. She was accompanied by a translator who was able to convey the story and the sadness, and spare her writing hand a bit.
I was unable - after tireless searching and a bit of asking, to locate the mythical deep fried Oreo. A couple people who had heard of my quest were very concerned for my health. First, my cholesterol is fine. Second, I was planning on having one once in my life, not a regular weekly thing, so I think even my doctors would agree that in such moderation, it would have been fine.
Ah, well, at least I have a little yarn.
(Pictures to come once my computer cooperates.)