1. I finally caught up to this piece from September where Anand Giridharadas spoke about fear, and talked with Sarah Kendzior about fascism and such. If you are finding the level of shock at yesterday's events a little hard to take, this might be the read for you.
2. I have not been having trouble reading. I say this not to brag, but because for me I have been having trouble watching new to me TV. This article about how anxiety affects concentration gets into why you may have been trouble with some of your normal forms of entertainment. Also might explain why genre fiction, where one can usually expect closure of a sort has been working well for me.
3. If you'd like something low stakes to read, this reporter reaching out to other folks who share his name is that.
And: I shared this on Twitter too, but 730DC has been keeping this robust list of mutual aid and other support services for the DC area. Grocery stores, restaurants, and other retail had to close early and unexpectedly which means more people didn't get a full shift of work in a pandemic. So, if you have money to spare, these are some places to consider sending it.