In honor of tonight's Tony Awards, I am presenting one sentence summaries. Disclaimer: I have not seen all of these and well, it is meant to be both humorous and true.
Best Musical Nominees:
The Band's Visit - Things happen when you go to the wrong city. See also, band dudes are bad at checking where they are going.
Frozen - Brand new queen ices over everything and her sister's new boyfriend plots a coup.
Mean Girls - The patriarchy has taught girls some bad mating habits.
SpongeBob SquarePants - Volcanoes cause chaos.
Best Play Nominees:
The Children - Nuclear explosions cause chaos.
Farinelli and the King - Musical therapy can help depression and contibrute to adultery.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Messing with time is a bad idea.
Junk - Wall Street power brokers like money.
Latin History for Morons - Everything you should have learned about Latinx folks in school but probably didn't.