Monday, May 07, 2018
Writers and Knitters and Sheep
My writers chapter had a meeting on Saturday, and while some of it was chapter business stuff, some of it was story structure and marketing with Kimberly Kincaid, and both that, and the chance to hang with writer peeps and discuss writer things was wonderful. And then Sunday I went up to Maryland Sheep and Wool with some writer friends and it is always fun to go with someone new to it all, who has never seen all the things and to make sure they get to see our faves but also have space to discover their own. I had not realized that Brooks Farm was packing it in after this show (likely just as well, I usually hit them first and it's not good if I just bust my pretend budget fast). I talked later with a friend about some other yarn folk that have come and gone since we've been festivaling. It is the festival circuit, but it's nice and fun to spend all this time with folks that like crafts of various types.