Thursday, August 05, 2010

Day 4 and 5 of the Disneyfication

Thursday I really sort of did need to be up early so I could head to an informal breakfast meeting of the YARWA group. We hung out in the Java Bar before heading to the lobby of the Dolphin to hang out some more. (Where I also had the opportunity to explain about the internet to a woman who apparently didn’t want to ask the nice hotel people how to make it go.) I met the librarian of the year, and she seems awesome and met some other writers before heading in for lunch, with the keynote being given by the lovely Nora Roberts. (Summary - If you think it’s harder to get published now, bullshit.) Then I headed to the PRO Retreat which was wonderful but I sat in the same chair for far too long - convinced that if I took a break I would win a prize. I should have bribed someone to pretend to be me.
Then I headed back to Bluezoo for a gathering of the Washington chapter, and then to Il Mulino for a gathering of the cherries, and then to a conference room for YARWA’s first ever chapter meeting and a talk from two RITA winning YA authors. And then back to Il Mulino to catch the tail end of the cherry gathering. (Yes, Thursday is typically the day many chapter gatherings happen, since most publisher gatherings are Friday.)

Friday I went to some signings and some workshops. I met a lovely gentleman in the hallway who was knitting a clapotis. He’s published a romance with Samhain I need to check out. (I showed off my project with Madeline Tosh Pashmina.) The lovely (yes, I have just decided to stick with that adjective) Jayne Ann Krentz spoke. (Summary - Try not to kill your career, but if you do, it may be fixable.)
More workshops and signings. Went to dinner. Headed through the bar and ran into a lovely knitting writer friend so we hung in the bar (conveniently placed between the escalator and the lobby) for a good couple hours.