1. Someone did an informal survey of library staff and teenagers as far as what gender they perceived - based on the cover - books were marketed too. While several survey participants noted that readers of either gender should read what they want, there are still some interesting results. Certainly I know I gravitate towards certain covers, assuming they must contain more me-like books.
2. The Vida counts are out this year, and there are some signs of improvement as far as gender parity in literary coverage. The women of color count, well, it showed lots of room for improvement. As the VIDA folks say, the idea here is not quotas but awareness of trends and habits.
3. I have not yet watched the Monica Lewinsky Ted talk, but this post from the comment moderation team about how virulent the early reaction was, and how, with the help of aggressive comment moderation, they were able to see a shift in the response, was very interesting.