Meg Cabot sums up an important life message: I mean, seriously. If we stop breeding with these type of guys, they’ll go away. Spencer Pratt? Brody Jenner? They’ll disappear. We can do it, ladies, if we stick together and just stop rewarding them for their stupid behavior.
Linda Holmes notes that if your imaginary friends are giving business tips to your dad, it's time for new imaginary friends.
John Crace notes that really, it's not embarrassing that the wonders of social networking have revealed the head of MI6's love if Speedos. No, the problem is that he did not look like Daniel Craig in them. Will the UK recover from the shame?
Proof that missed connections is, well, centuries older than Craigslist. (Hat Tip to Argh Ink for that link.)
And speaking of people looking for love, I will send you here, for a lovely synopsis of one guy's wishlist.
Speaking of crazy, Dominic West thinks that good British characters should go to British actors. (For those of you wondering where the crazy in that is, the answer is that Dominic West is best known for playing a Baltimore, MD cop. Apparently good American roles can go to Brits.)