Monday, January 06, 2025

Snow Plans

We had snow in DC today, which I love. It meant pretty views of falling snow, I was lucky enough to telecommute for the day. Things always seem a little quieter and a little different on snow days.  Some people got a day off work. Some still had to go in.  Some teleworked.  And of course my cat was very excited that I was home and then ultimately bored that I was home but staring at a screen and typing.  She napped nearby before deciding I was too loud and she needed to nap in the closet.  
Some people had snowball fights.  Some people worked. Did I mention some of us still had to work?  I kid.  I don't terribly mind working on work days.  But I am always amused that the folks who work at schools (of which I know quite a few) think the rest of us get the day off too. 
It's staying cold this week, so the snow will stick around.  It snowed Friday, but Saturday you could barely tell there had been snow at all.  Eventually the snow accumulates enough crud as we trudge through it.  But that's hardly the snow's fault.