Monday, December 02, 2024

Deadlines That Whoosh

It took until yesterday for me to hit the word count goal I had set for myself to achieve by Saturday. I of course, back in October, thought I'd not only achieve but beat that deadline, and now be in the all the relaxing things I will do and read once I'm not drafting phase. (I love that phase.) 
The thing is, the story isn't done. So more writing will happen. In this case, no one is immediately waiting for this story. It's not even next up in the publishing schedule. 
I don't like to treat deadlines carelessly, but also, sometimes a deadline has some slack. And I am trying to remind myself that I can't be at every deadline, and it's more important that I didn't stress out my wrists over the weekend trying to achieve it.
One of the challenges is always figuring out will you miss the deadline, will you need to notify anyone, and what is a realistic secondary deadline, because missing it twice just makes everyone unhappy. 
It's not lost on me that my last post was about rest and here I am talking about work again. 
Happy Monday, or whatever day it is where you are.