Shout out to teachers, who are facing unprecedented challenges, and trying to still actually educate folks in multiple ways, on multiple platforms, with so little notice, and while risking their lives, in often underfunded buildings.
Shout out to delivery folks, who have seen incredible demand, and have worked through lots of logistical challenges to get the things to people, often life saving things.
Shout out to parents, who have faced incredible child care challenges, along with trying to keep tiny humans both entertained and safe.
Shout out to grocery store workers and food purveyors. Food is something we all need, and the work and challenges you have faced are so big.
Shout out to health care workers. I hope you are now at least getting better access to the equipment you need as you work what have always been ridiculous hours. This is and has been an especially long journey in this country.
Shout out to everyone who works somewhere that has been touting lean staffing for years, and is now discovering that lean staffing suffers when folks can't work while sick, and when a novel virus hits, more people get sick all at the same time.
Show out to folks who are in jobs where they've been expected to carry on, because the wheels keep turning.
Shout out to folks in industries where customers and users treat staff as peons, who are not fully human.
Shout out to you. It seems a little silly, but surviving a pandemic is no small thing. Keep on keeping on.