Thursday, July 14, 2016


I had noticed last year that I had been blogging in this space for ten years.  And then I figured I would save that info for July when I officially first posted.  And then July swept me up in a whirwind and it kind of never happened.  
But eleven is a lot, especially when we consider I've managed to keep finding new things to talk about, or old things to rehash.  
So given, travel this week, I thought I would point you to some old posts.  
My first post was in the wake of the 7/7 bombings in London
I also had a period where I posted football predictions. (Note: Those posts contain references to the Washington football team. 
I got on my soapbox when a school took away prom
I talked about book banning
I talked about Spong's assertions that prejudices under debate are dying
And I talked about "Project Runway"
Those are all from the first year.  I'll revisit some others later.