Monday, April 23, 2012

TBR Challenge 2012: Tagged

Note: I had this all queued up and then got slammed by some germs, so, oops, here you go. The TBR challenge this month was a new to me author. The challenge on this was finding one that had been lingering a bit in the TBR pile, since, for example I read two last week that had been in the pile barely long enough to attract dust. But there was Mara Purnhagen's Tagged. I bought it back in 2010 and for some reason just had not quite gotten to it yet. And then I read it and had no idea why I had waited. (I love it when that happens.)
Tagged is about Kate, high school teen who one day discovers some strange graffiti of gorillas on the side of the school. Gorillas start appearing other places, even in other cities and Kate finds herself wondering about them. They debate in class about art vs. vandalism and Kate find herself thinking more and more about what it means to make a statement.
It's one of those books that I really liked but find myself having trouble talking about well, because it was just good. It felt real, and I finished it happy and hoping it wasn't this author's last book. (It's not.)