I begin to wonder if starting to track this in 2007 was a bad idea, since I haven't achieved that level of reading productivity since. Of course, it's nice to know I have done it.
For 2010 the total was 117, an average of almost 10 a month, which is actually the lowest since I started tracking. (A big slacker, I am.)
Highest reading month was a tie between March and August with 16 each. And lowest was October with 3. (Again, no consistent trends, especially since I did a lot of travelling in July, so wouldn't have been surprised for that to be the high month.)There were 83 different authors in that batch* which seems consistent with the previous years. There was a three way tie for author I read the most at 5 - Jennifer Crusie (helped by some re-releases and a re-read** on my part), Gena Showalter (in a repeat appearance) and Nora Roberts (also a repeater in this spot).
Series* were a little lower this year, clocking in at 32. Not surprisingly romance remains the leading category at 76. Some high other categories or sub categories (since most books fall into a few categories) were paranormal (30), category romance (21), contemporary (21) and young adult (20). And in the high for me (but not really overall), I read 4 non-fiction books.
I remain a new release junkie, although the total was a lower percentage than in the past and was skewed by some re-releases - 57 were from 2010.
And ebooks were a slightly higher percentage again at 97.
*I counted authors rather than pen names.
**I counted re-reads if I re-read the whole thing from start to finish rather than skipping to the good bits.